Nature's Organic Haven

Nature’s Organic Haven’s owner Phyllis Hannan was born and raised in rural Hermann, Missouri. Ms. Hannan started two successful laser technology companies, Laser Light Technology, in California and Hermann, Missouri. In 2012, she retired from Laser Light Technology and decided to pursue her passion for growing plants and living a healthy lifestyle.

Phyllis did her research, attended conferences and met with the University of Missouri advisors, Andy Thomas and Patrick Byers, and decided the elderberry had great growth potential in the US. The elderberry’s health benefits and uses, has become more popular making it an excellent berry farm choice.   The native elderberry plant grew well in the Hermann area and could also be grown organically, which fit nicely with her sustainable agricultural philosophy.

In 2012, Ms. Hannan planted 2,500 plants, quickly realizing her passion and added another 5,000 plants in 2013 and then another 5,000 plants in 2014. Her elderberry plantings totaled 12,500 plants. Natures Organic Haven LLC, soon applied for organic certification, which was approved September 30th, 2012, making her entire farm certified organic.

We are a chemical free farm – we have never sprayed our fields with anything. We are committed to growing the finest, most wholesome elderberries we possibly can.

We work with nature with a minimum of agricultural input, adhering to strict USDA certified organic guidelines. We believe it is our responsibility to practice sustainable farming practices to protect future generations of farming.

All farmers face the same challenges growing their crops; plant nutrition, weed control, disease and pest management. Organic farmers practice agriculture methods that restore, maintain and enhance ecological balance. An organic farm must manage these challenges naturally, without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or other prohibited materials.

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